Troop 153 Tulsa
In troop 153 we do three main projects: Eagle Projects, Campout Projects, and Service Projects.

Campout Projects
Campout projects are projects that the troop do on most campouts if the owners request us to do so. Most of these involve cleaning trails that we walk through, restoring old works that are sentimental to a site, or other tasks of the like. These projects are in goodwill to show the owners, whether federally or commercially owned, that we are grateful for allowing us to camp there.
Service Projects
Service projects are projects that are required if a Scout would like to rank up towards Eagle. These service project earn service "hours" which add up to his grand total, inching him toward the ultimate goal of becoming an Eagle Scout. These projects vary from making a dinner for veterans or senior citizens to express goodwill, feeding the homeless, and other acts of goodwill. These are mandatory to a certain extent, for which a Scout doesn't have to attend every one, however it will roll over into the next rank.

Eagle Projects
Eagle projects are the final, final push before becoming an Eagle Scout. In this a Scout must have completed EVERY other requirement before requesting to do one. The project is either accepted or declined by National Eagle Scout Association. Once a verdict is reached, the Scout in question must gather other Scouts to help him complete the project. Once completed, that Scout has reached the ability to call himself an "Eagle."